So, who's ready for today's dose of 3-D overkill? First, AICN reports that Iron Man 2 could possibly be 3-D next summer. Harry Knowles tells us that there is currently a one minute snippet of film that Marvel and Fox are looking over to decide if they want to turn the entire thing into 3-D. (Note: if you choose to click the link, Knowles uses the frightening analogy of Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger's 9 1/2 Weeks sex scene to describe this entire ordeal). The article also ends with the factoid that the original Iron Man film could possibly be up for a 3-D transfer to be re-released before the sequel. Don't get me wrong, Iron Man in flight, Scarlett Johansson and the cockatoo that was casted to keep Rourke company all have wonderful possibilities when put into the 3-D medium, but if we keep this up, (I'm talking to you Jon Favreau) there will eventually be weird films in the third dimension, like a new modernization of The Three Musketeers by somebody a few steps below Uwe Boll... like say Paul W.S. Anderson.
Damnit... via The Hollywood Reporter, that is exactly what will happen. I'm not saying it can't succeed, as The Three Musketeers is a tried and true formula, and if the adaptation is mindless, at least it could be swashbuckling fun. But does everything have to be in 3-D for Christ's sake? I just hope that Avatar is ground-breaking, and we don't look back years from now and take the academic stance that My Bloody Valentine was the big game changer in this new age of 3-D.
DreadCentral has some stills up from a new horror flick called Human Centipede: First Sequence, which looks terrible. However, the pics are to a level of disturbing that requires checking out.
Courtesy of TheSuperficial, Megan Fox is the cover girl for the latest edition of Wonderland magazine, and among other topics discussed, compared her two-time collaborator, Transformers director Michael Bay to Adolph Hitler. Not trying to shine a forgiving light on Hitler or anything, but I'm pretty sure the Fuhrer could have made a better film... just saying. Oh, and he wouldn't even consider making a Bad Boys 3, even he would have known that is just too much.
Cinematical linked to the best guessing game on the web, based on entertainment characters in movies, television, comics and videogames (at least that I've attempted so far). The site, Akinator, has guessed almost everything I've thought of correctly, except things I've pulled out of my hat so far into my childhood subconscious that I couldn't remember enough about it to properly answer the questions.
Finally, a pretty awesome featurette from The Fantastic Mr. Fox, narrated by Jason Schwartzman. Unfortunately it won't embed, but here is the link, via Apple. Enjoy.
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