So, what else could I possibly have to say on Labor Day Weekend when most of the bloggers are barbequing, raving or whatever the hell people actually do on Labor Day other than watch the Dirty Jobs marathon tomorrow and possibly schedule out a time to eventually see Inglourious Basterds after a very late debut at the local Carmike (if you have another cinema in your town, please don't go to a Carmike) and in my unforunate case, attend a funeral? Well, a few random thoughts... A great countdown of the worst 80's film posters is up at 11Points. Enjoy it.
Adult Swim is currently showing Bleach: Memories of Nobody, the film from the popular anime series. The trailer that has been showing on the programming block over the past few weeks looks absolutely incredible, so it will more than likely be the way I spend the rest of my insomnia-ridden night.
Lastly, I spent most of the day in a mind-numbing seven hour, note-intensive lecture class on substance abuse, a topic that is most off-putting filled with countless stories of people senselessly ruining their lives. Fortunately though, I lucked up and got one of the better professors of my rather long student career thus far. The guy wrote his dissertation on horror films and works about as many movie references into the class as possible, even fitting in to a story about how bitchin' Re-Animator would be under the influence of a hallucinogen. Anyhow, I thought I would share the only decent story of my long fourteen hour day of the dreaded school/work combination by showing a clip of the H.P. Lovecraft adapted 80's horror flick's goriest scenes. The video is obviously NSFW and will probably be taken off of YouTube eventually after somebody with more dignity than I watches, although it does skip over the decapitated oral part. Enjoy.
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