Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

A month or so ago, I read an article on Cinematical stating that J.J. Abrams had bought the rights for Stephen King's epic series, The Dark Tower, and would begin preparing for the adaptation after the series finale of Lost. When I read the article, I was searching for a new series to get involved in, and right now I'm reading the second book, The Drawing of the Three. Completely drawn in to the story thus far, it saddens me to report a new article from Cinematical that quotes an MTV interview with Abrams and Damon Lindelof, stating that the pair have decided to pass on adapting King's epic meta-fiction/fantasy adventure. The comments for the articles tend to think that longtime King collaborator Frank Darabont (most famously The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile) should take the reins. Just to the second novel already, I can already tell that whomever does take it on, they have a nearly impossible task in front of them.

Another cancellation today, this one a little more welcome. Coming from Latino Review, the remake of Oldboy, that was set to be directed by Steven Spielberg and star Will Smith is now considered a dead project. Probably for the best.

With Christmas just around the corner, the collector/child in me is on the prowl for toys, so a few awesome movie geek toys...

Firstly, Japanator has a gallery of this incredible LEGO sculpture of Sophie's castle as seen in Hayao Miyazaki's beautiful Howl's Moving Castle.

Secondly, without even being a diehard fan of Akira, I am gravitated towards this amazing replica of Kaneda's motorcycle on Big Bad Toy Store.

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